
What type of day are you having?
ganz ok, etwas lang, wenig schlaf, aber im prinzip ganz gut
Was there anyone who "made your day"?
ja, definitiv! :D
Are you liking how you look today?

Do you have anyone crushing on you?
weiß nicht
Have you ever eaten a bug?
Are you vegeterian?

When was the last time you kissed someone?
Have you ever had something stuck between your teeth, but no one decided to tell you?
könnt mich nicht erinnern
Are you a mother or a father? nö
When was your last paycheck? 15. feb
How many pets do you have? keine
What kind of toothpaste do you use? kA blend-a-med vielleicht?
Are you closer to being rich or poor? mittendrin
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? manchmal
What was the last gift someone gave you? hmm.. eeyore?
Do you appreciate that person? ja
Are you on any type of drugs? jetz grad? nein
Are you in love? n'bisschen vielleicht
Have you ever been in love? ja
Do you even believe in love? ja
How many things are you really thinking about right now? einige.
Did you talk to anyone you didnt like today? nö
Do you like picnics? egal
Have you finished school yet? ja
What is/was your worst subject? mathe
Whats your fathers middle name? hat keinen
Are you American? nö
Who are you voting for? rot
Do you like Bush? nö
Was his name even worth capitalizing? nö
What kind of mood are you in? müde, aber ok
Are you waiting for anything? irgendwie schon, aber ..
Are you going to bed after this? dann mal
Have you ever watched fahrenheit 9/11? ja
McCain or Obama? obama
Where were you september 11. 2001? zu hause
What book are you currently reading? f+rs studium
What song did you last listen to? hm.. ich glaub im auto warn die trackshittaz :D
What movie is in your DVD player? Männerherzen
How many windows are open in your computer? 6
Are you a very stressed out person? ja
How old is your mom? 45
Has your mom ever been on television or in the paper? kA
Are you single? ja
Do you have a beach house? nö
Where do you live? Linz
Did you honestly miss Melrose place? nö
Do you ever watch Bold and the beautiful? kenn ich nicht
Do you sometimes watch the news? manchmal
Have you ever seen a UFO? nö
Do you believe in aliens? nö
Do you like Jerry Springer? egal
Have you ever been to world trade center? nö
What is your favorite magazine? kA
How many times have you gone to a foreign country? n'paar mal
When will you next go on a plane? im sommer
When did you last go on a plane?im sommer
Do you watch football sundays? fußball ja, football nein
Do you read Perez Hilton? nö
What are your thoughts on Disney Channel? egal
Have you taken all the cool quizzes on QuizPox.com ? nö
Do you like Techno? kommt drauf an
Do you like Dr.Phil? kenn ich nicht
Do you like Oprah? noch nie geschaut
Do you ever want to get married? ja
What is your favorite country? France
Do you like animals? ja
Do you like High school musical? is ok
Are the Jonas brothers cute? nö
Do you have an ipod? ja
Do you watch TV alot? ja
Are you afraid of the dark? es geht

'cause nothing lasts forever

.. and we both know that hearts can change


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